Pomroy’s biggest fans

First I’d like to introduce you to Pomroy’s biggest fans: 
Deejay and Junior. 

DeeJay and Junior
They have been super excited about the book launch of Pomroy’s World: Alone. It’s the second volume in the series and they have grown tired of waiting. Muggington took his sweet time finishing the second book. 
If you’re interested you can pick up copies of both books at the following links:
Pomroy’s World: Arrival (Volume 1)
Pomroy’s World: Alone (Volume 2)
It’s been a long road for Deejay and Junior. I managed to record video of their long wait for Pomroy’s World.
After a while they almost went nuts waiting as you see in the following video:
Finally they got their hands on volume 2 and they were able to chill and enjoy some ice-cold honeydew melon.

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